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It all starts in the clouds, from your ideas to your servers we can handle it all. We have been there and done that and will do it for you, all in the cloud

Cloud Computing

AES-256, GCM, RNG, SSL or is it TLS? – acronym overload? Don’t worry about the technical details, our clouds are the best in terms of security. We are constantly reaching out to partners in an effort to improve out security posture so you don’t have to


We are expanding into the mobile area and are currently in talks with industry leaders to leverage their technology. Once we close the deals Skycode will use the latest security standards and technology on the mobile market


We leverage the latest industry standards to ensure top security for our clients, allowing them to focus of growing their brand

Secure IT Solutions​

for a more secure


1. Managed IT Solutions

2. Web Developments

3. Hosting & Cloud Computing

Helping you find the right IT solutions.

You have heard of full stack; we are full service. Starting from an idea to, hosting, web services, and now mobile deployment we have you covered. All while using state of the art cloud deployment.  

Cloudcode LLC

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